Age Gate


Pernod Ricard was looking to improve the experience that users could have with the brand digitally, since people were losing connection with the brand, specially the youth. With Rubik assistance they built The Chivas Experience, a site made to interact with the brand easily. The issue? The bounce rate was really high and the users were not signing up for the experience.

Solution Implemented by Rubik Cloud

Rubik Cloud prepared and implemented an A/B test on Pernod Ricard’s “The Chivas Experience” site based on an analysis done on Google Analytics and Optimize data.

Implementation Process:

Rubik Cloud prepared and implemented an A/B test on Pernod Ricard’s “The Chivas Experience” site based on an analysis performed on Google Analytics and Optimize data, after tagging the site based Google Tag Manager, leveraging Google Marketing Platform, on the previously mentioned business needs with the help of Rubik´s internal UX/UI development team. The A/B test was visualized in Looker Studio for optimal data visualization.

Results Obtained:

Thanks to Rubik’s optimizations and the creation of a new age gate with an attractive design that showed what was behind it, to encourage users to go through this stage, Pernod Ricard obtained visible improvements in all the site’s KPIs based on the A/B Test carried out with Optimize, Google Analytics and visualized in Looker Studio.

🔼 28% reduction in Bounce Rate.

🔼 78% growth in Sign-Ups/account creations.

🔼 48% growth in web interactions.

This success showed that leveraging Google key platforms for data analysis, like Optimize, Google Analytics and Looker Studio, can drive great business outcomes and quality decision making.

Otros casos:


Predictive Audiences

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